Jagged edges in 4.12

Hi, this week I updated my Daz Studio version from 4.10 to 4.12. Unfortunately, when I render a scene in DS version 4.12, it has jagged edges. I did a test: I rendered the exact same scene with exactly the same render settings in version 4.10 and 4.12. (In 'Filtering', the Pixel Filter is "Gaussian" and the Pixel Filter Radius is 1.50.) Here you can see the render results: https://sta.sh/223b9q73ei0n?edit=1 . If you look at these images, you can see the difference, especially when you zoom in on the mouth and the right ear. What settings do I have to change in version 4.12 to obtain the same results as in version 4.10? Any tip or assistance would be much appreciated.