Draw style options menu screwed up
I was about to ask here for help. But now I found the answer. Maybe this can help someone with the same issue.
I got lost with one instance of Daz Studio Pro Edition 64-bit. My draw style options menu got screewed up and I wasn't able finding the cause. My other instance using the same Daz version on a different computer works perfectly ok. Two screen shots provided of the two instances.
The first one looks as it should. The second one is causing the trouble.
Smooth Shaded, Texture Shaded and Cartoon Shaded all look the same. And it is not only the icon that is incorrect. In the viewport using Texture Shaded surfaces are totally glossy. Rendering in Iray though works as it should.
I deinstalled Daz Studio, deleted all entries in Program Data, Programs and AppData, renamed my library so Daz would not find it. All this did not help. Then I remembered there is a registry :-).
I deleted the whole Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DAZ\Studio4 tree. This solved the issue after reinstalling. Took me quite some time.

I have had this, though I don't pay a lot of attantion to the icons (mostly I switch with ctrl (cmd for Mac) plus a number). You might see if reloading the layout, or at a stretch WindowWorkspace>Update and Merge Menus will help.
For the weird look in Texture Shaded, compare the settings in Edit>Preferences>Interface (Daz Studio>Prefrences>Interface on a a Mac).