Downloaded DazCentral; it didn't install. Now Daz Studio, Hexagon, & Daz Install Manager won't open

I have downloaded the Daz Central installer exe "DazCentral_1.5.0.8_Win64.exe" on my laptop, which has Windows 10 - 64 bit version. Then, when I had clicked this exe file, nothing happened.
Afterwards, I had clicked on my start menu shortcut for opening Daz Studio and nothing happened - it doesn't want to open anymore. I also have this same problem with Hexagon and Daz3d install manager.
I need help with fixing this problem.
One possibility, given the limited information, is that the security software you have perceived a thread and has now removed or blocked the exectutables for the Daz applications. What security software are you using, and have you checked its logs?
My security software is Norton 360; its Program Control is set to allow internet access for the Daz Studio application and the DAZ Install Manager.
And have you checked to see if it has quarantined the applications?
Norton 360 does not have my DAZ software in quarantine, and it is not set to block the DAZ software's connection to the internet.
I have checked the log text file for DAZ Studio to see what happens when I click on this software's shortcut, exe file in Program Files, or a scene file that was created with this software.
According to the DAZ Studio log, after "Scanning Content folders..." is done, this software stops working - also, the splash screen for DAZ Studio does not appear onscreen. This problem did not happen on 8/3/2020.
On August 3rd, after "Scanning Content folders..." was done, DAZ Studio performed alot more tasks. Such as,
and the splash screen was visible, and then the software opened as normal.
This is just a guess based on what I read in the log: Is my Daz Studio not opening anymore because it's not creating Render Manager?
How can I uninstall DAZ Studio if my DAZ Install Manager doesn't open when I click on either its exe file in Program Files or a shortcut to this exe file?
It turned out that my laptop's graphics card needed an updated driver. I have downloaded and installed the driver, and now my problem is solved.
I can open my DAZ Studio, Hexagon, and DAZ Install Manager again. And, I now have DAZ Central installed and working.
That sounds odd - I can't see why a slightly, or even highly, out of date GPU driver would block DIM (or, given its age, Hexagon). I suspect there was soem other issue and that updating the driver shook that loose.