Transparent Render

Hi there,
I'm having problems with some renders. I've been rendering some simple scenes and when I looked more into details I saw that some parts of the renders are transparent.
Here you can see. Does any of you know why this could happen?
The scene was rendered on an nvidia iRay server!
It's transparent because there's nothing behind the character to render. Needs a physical backdrop or a HDRI in the background.
When the backdrop is set to "none", you will create an image that only contains your 3D content. You probably saved the image as a .png which maintains the transparent background, which isn't a bad thing if you intend to past the character over your own background in a 2D prog.
LOL!! OP's talking about the transparent patches on the neck and at the end of the beard.
My only hunch is that this might be due to a wrongly configured canvas?
The canvas is set on Beauty. I'll try to see if I can change it.