At symbol on Daz Central

Hi everyone !

I'm new there and I would like to try Daz studio. Unfortunately, once I've downloaded the software, I can't sign in. Indeed, I can't type the @ in the "e-mail address" bar.

I tried to fix it, reinstalling Daz Central, using a virtual keyboard, restarting my laptop, waiting 48h, pouring unicorn's horn powder on my laptop on a full-moon night... Nothing works (not even homeopathy). My only trail now is that it could come from my OS : my laptop runs Windows 7. Did anyone have the same issue ? Is there a chance I could fix this ?

Thank you in advance !


  • Does your email adderss up to the @ have any special symbols? Can you enter [email protected] as an email?

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    Have you tried the character map? Or even just copying the @ symbol from another source, such as a web browser?

  • I'm told that the issue has been reproted, for now please try using Install Manager (though copy and paste has worked for some affected users, apparently).

  • Hi, I have this issue as well. You can't directly type the @ symbol but you can copy/paste it. It's just tedious and annyoing. I am able to type other symbols into the email-address field, such as " and # and ¤ just to name some random examples. 

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