Ghost Dynamics

hello to all ;)
first of all sorry if I express myself badly, but I use a translator.
I'd like to know what else this product brings?
whitout this product, if I use a glove that collides with a character's body, does it have the same effect?
or with this product is it more efficient?
in advance thank you
Post edited by jesusaramenes on
Ghost Dynamics has scripts to help you add and customise your collision modifier, but apart from that, it's all Daz under the hood.
You'll get the same effect as if you used a regular basketball, or my sphere colliders. A glove prop will work in a similar way to my hand props. My set is intended to get around the limitation of only having one item collide with the body at once. So if you used a glove or a basketball, you're limited to those items. My props have a load of different shapes rigged into the same figure.
Hope that clears things up.
Does the product just work with simple moving and I can instant see the result or is it dforce based?
And is it possible to make a Animation out of it?
Like I wanna make a Loop/Gif with something like this:
Someone punches an object in a Loop and the object/Person get those impacts but they go in/out related to the punches. Can I give this Ghost Objects a timeline key to integrate them into my "clip"?
Thanks :)
On my computer i7 / 1060, with default settings, the effect is near instant. So you move a ghost prop, and after a second wait, you see the collision effect. It's not DForce. It works with the colission of the smoothing modfier.
Not an animation expert, but you should be able to move the props in the animation timeline.
But there's still the limitation of only one of Your props being able to collide, right? I mean, even if the prop consists of two parts that can collide from different directions using a change in scale for example...
Each node is independantly moveable and they can indeed be animated like any other bone. The collision effect is very quick, it's not dForce. You can even do it in real-time depending on the amount of iterations you use.
Yes, you're still limited to the one figure, this set does not bypass that. This is not a new modifier or an extension of the old one.
What an intriguing idea!
Times being what they are, I'll have to wait a week for payday, but I can think of all kinds of applications for this!
- 3W
In the promo images, for example the punching bag show above, we see multiple objects colliding all at once. Is that possible with this product, or is what we are seeing in the promos separate renders composited together? We still have the limitation of only one collision object at a time.
thank you!
can we add an item to the rig? like we had a sword or a three fingred hand for example.
They are not composited. The items i provide with Ghost Dynamics are essentially a load of different shapes and hand gestures combined into a single figure. This won't bypass the collision limit, it simply lets you collide a load of different shapes into seperate areas of your mesh, so you can then replace them with your own character hands or props.
You can't add shapes to the figure, but the figures i've added have a wide range of primitive shapes that can be moved or scaled. So if you wanted to do a sword collision, you can just scale one of the capsule primites that are included on one axis. I'm pretty sure i have a three fingered shape too, it's in the main promo :)
This is a very clever product, and I will likely purchase it!
However, we should be aware that turning on the smoothing modifier on your figure will change its shape and essentially erase any HD details.
(which you can get around through compositing)
Thank you - that's what I was hoping for. In the cart it goes!
(PS - I swear by all your stuff so I was fairly confident that was the case to begin with)
Thank you! Hope you enjoy it
This is definitely the kind of product that should have come and would have sold better with a video.
Fantastic. Looking forward to seeing the renders people create.
I'm a recent purchaser of Ghost Dynamics and I'm thrilled by the potential, but I'm running into a problem. If, say, I need the effects of two hands for a given scene and load the hands figure, how do I get rid of the other fourteen that are now in the way? Right-clicking on individual hand props only gives me the option to delete the entire figure.
Left click on the hand that is in the way to highlight it, then hide it by clicking on the eye icon.
@KindredArts As you said it's all DAZ under the hood. But your bundle helps to go faster, so that's really cool ;) I hoped for a moment that it fixed the main frustrating DAZ issue with the push modifier : we can't have it affect the Subd Genesis. Only the base lowpoly wireframe. In other words, when you press fingers, you end up with a big blurry effect. But not fingers pressing the skin at all.
I managed to get this "fingers pressed" effect using a custom displacement map. I use for ex. the torso texture. In photoshop I make a texture with RGB 128,128,128 for neutral. 0,0,0 to push down the mesh. And 255,255,255 to push the wireframe up. Advantage : displacement works (its meant to) with subdivisions.
Do you think that there'd be a way somehow to make your bundle work with SubD Genesis ? I'm really sad that it's more or less impossible to get this kind of effect with DAZ as it is :_(
Mod edit :- Image removed
Hard to figure out how to word this. I use the Ghost D on the figure how do I get the clothing to follow the shape as well?
you can apply the same smoothing to both figure and clothes to have them interact with Ghost Dynamics.
I tried this tool today after purchasing it. I did what was told: Took a nice model and started poking her face by the fingers Ghost Dynamics provides.
Funny it got right after, when I tried to replace the Ghost fingers with a "real" finger with no success. Each time the damn skin bounced back. No matter what I tried, the pit didn't stick. And she started laughing my efforts to deform her cheeks...
Addmitting,I am a total noobie, I would appreaciate some instructive help. How to keep the deformation? What goes wrong?
Thanks in advance.