UV Map needed?

Hi, I got a free object and wanna texture it, but it seems like it does not really accept any design, it only shows a color:
My idea was to give it a leather grip:
When I go to the UV view, its just empty :(
Thats the structure:
(it looks brown on her thumbnail, but after import its empty, but however I love to redesign stuff).
So.... how can I make it possible that it accept my shader styles? I did split the carpet beater into 2 parts in the surface Beater/grip (sadly its a little bit bad designed... with less love).
Some pokethroughs are there :/
Anyone can help and tell me how to make UV map on it or what I can do or maybe can make the UV map?
DS cannoy create UV maps.
For doing that you need to take it into a modelling program. In there you can UV unwrap it, but likely have to make some seams first, in order to get a good map. But the process can be done rather fast.
I think Hexagon can that, but I have no idea how :/
I downloaded it and did it in blender.
How do I "install" it? :D
And thanks ^_^
Edit, I found this, but it seems not to work:
Wrong way?
I don't know. Maybe adding seems and unwrapping in blender messes up vertex order. And therefore you can't ijmport just the UV.
When I simply import the item and looks at the UV map it looks like this.
but where do you place the UV .obj that the obj from the carpetbeater loads it? in the same folder? in Runtime Geometrys ?
If you load an unwrapped obj the uv loads automatically. It is include in the obj file. Open the surface tab and try any shader. Now you will see the texture and not a plain color as before.
But... I will have to place the new created UV map somewhere. that the Obj will know it. Where do I have to place it? right now its in my download folder.
The file I attached is the same obj as I downloaded, just UV-unwrapped.
If you just import that you will get the carpetbeater that can be textured. As said above, if the obj is unwrapped, DS already know and will use the (included) UV map when you import it.
well I did try to drag & drop it into the studio and... after the import dialog was there nothing O_o
Edit: Okay I forgot to change to blender import ;) the standard (custom) import was toooo small :)
Now it have UV`s :)
Thank you very much :) Now I can start "designing" it :D