dForce Anchor Points


Sorry if this question has been asked before.

I'm relatively new to the dForce ecosystem, but not too much on the dynamic aspect of clothings.
I'm working with a pair of panties that are dForce. Loaded in a scene I move them and place them so that the hip part hangs from the chair and let the simulation do it's job in curving the rest down.

Only problem is that both hips parts remain stiff like a board while the rest simulate accordingly.
I did check in the surface about the Dynamics Strenght setting and it all set to 1 on all surfaces. It feels like there is a single hard point in the mesh that doesn't allow the cloth to fully flex or bent. It's like there is an invisible force holding it in shape and up.

Any idea what that could be?


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    It could be a weight map that, in effect, applies a 'null efefct' on parts of the surface.  I've seem soemthign similar on various dungarees wher teh shoudler straps are part of the same surface but do not actually simulate.  I wish I coudl remember how to check!

  • SimonJM said:

    It could be a weight map that, in effect, applies a 'null efefct' on parts of the surface.  I've seem soemthign similar on various dungarees wher teh shoudler straps are part of the same surface but do not actually simulate.  I wish I coudl remember how to check!

    In Poser there were called hard choreograph points or something down the line. In short you could edit what was dynamic and what not.
    I belive you are right on the money there!
    I wonder where one has to go to elimiate those hard points or weight maps as you say :(

  • With the dForce item slected, Create>New dForce Weight Access Node (as I recall), then Tools>Node Weight Paint Brush, in the Tool Settings pane you should now see the map(s) applied to the model (if there aren't any then this isn't the issue) - select the Dynamic Strength (from memory) map and you can either use the right-click options to select all and then fill seelcted with 100% weight or you can just paint in the weight on the problem areas, depending on how completely you want to change things.

  • With the dForce item slected, Create>New dForce Weight Access Node (as I recall), then Tools>Node Weight Paint Brush, in the Tool Settings pane you should now see the map(s) applied to the model (if there aren't any then this isn't the issue) - select the Dynamic Strength (from memory) map and you can either use the right-click options to select all and then fill seelcted with 100% weight or you can just paint in the weight on the problem areas, depending on how completely you want to change things.

    Under the Create Tab I've the following:

    New D-Former ...

    New Push Modifier Weight Node ...

    If I click the second one a dialog window comes up asking me what name I want to give it and if I want to parent it to the dforce figure ot not.
    In the Tool Setting pane, I follow your instructions but almsot everything is grey out and there is no mapping or overlay.
    I did it in a brand new empty scene just for good measure.

  • Should be New dForce Modifier Weight Node.... If you don't have that try running Window>Workspace>Update and Merge Menus

  • Should be New dForce Modifier Weight Node.... If you don't have that try running Window>Workspace>Update and Merge Menus

    Triple checked that too and I've no "Update And Merge Menus".

    I am quite sure I am running the last version of Daz as well. I might as well re-install it I suppose

  • Exactly which version of DS is this - Help>About Daz Studio?

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