Cannot put my many contents on an external drive Mac Catalina

Dear, I am desperate as I cannot create a path on an external drive. Checked all tutorials and there is one but not for Mac. My internal drive is almost full and cannot put my many contents on an external drive. Can you please help me. Thank Charles in advance
Where is the issue? Moving the file, setting the content directory, having DS see the files afterwards?
What to do depends on if you want to move your content to the external drive, or add a new library on the external drive.
You can do either, but my personal recommendation is to have one directory for DAZ Store stuff, one for freebees, and one for other stuff, as it's esier to track down errors, and some freebees do install things that break the moprhs, so when an issue occurs, just temporarily disconenct from the freebee one ans see if it works. Said that just to let you avoid troubles later on.
To add a second library folder, just create a folder on your external drive (mine for example is called DAZBoot (yea, love that movie).
Then tell DS and DIM where it is.
To create a new one, I would recommend to do as above, but then remove the old library directory from DIM and DS, and reinstall to the new one.
On macOS, all drivers are mounted from /Volumes.
The Drive "MyDrive" would be /Volumes/MyDrive, but then when you have spaces in the names it becomes a wee bit more complicated, but, in DIM/DS you seldom have to enter a path, you can always click and select the path.
One bit of a warning though, extermal drives, when the mac goes to sleep and wakes up, will mount with a new name, internally, but the Finder hides that for you, but it will cause problems for DIM and DS.
Lets say you have /Volumes/DAZBoot, the machine goes to sleep, wakes up again. Then, sometimes, not always, the connection is lost, and the drive is now mounted as /Volumes/DAZBoot_1, but is seen in Finder as DAZBoot. The old mount, /Volumes/DAZBoot is still present, but empty, this can be very confusing, as you see the drive in Finder but DS and DIM cant find it.
To solve this, dismount the drive manually and remount it, sometimes you need to use the terminal and umount on the mountpoints, like:
umount /Volumes/DAZBoot_1
umount /Volumes/DAZBoot
If you have more questions, ask, I listen to this thread now.