Haydina hair shapes not working.

Hey all, I'm new to this software so please forgive me if this isn't explained very well. Last night I purchased Haydina hair for G8F, and while I can load in the hair itself and fit it to figures okay, for whatever reason there's no options for shaping the hair. Using the presets for shaping that it came with in the Smart Content tab does nothing, and there are no sliders or sorts of parameters that I can use to change its shape. Can anyone help?
Are you sure you have the hair selected?
Yes, I do.
How did you install? What does it look like in the Scene pane with the hair selected? What is the Parameters pane showing?
This video can probably show the issue I'm having better than I can explain it.

Not entirely - especially as it's blurry. First, with missing sliders, always check the Parameters pane rather than using the sub-panes (Shaping, Posing etc.) as the Parameters pane will show all properties regardless of type. Similarly, it's easier to see the files involved and their locations if you use the Content Library rather than Smart Ciontent (though the fact that Smart Content shows it is encouraging). It shouldn't matter, but do try it with a Genesis 8 Female loaded and selected when you bring the hair in.
The video is sharp and clear for me - 1080P HD. I see that you have the Head bone selected, rather than the hair root node. Try selecting the hair root node and see if that helps. I own this hair. When I get back to my computer, I'll try it.
Whoop, rookie mistake. Though, I did as you suggested but there's still no more sliders other than the standard ones.
You just gotta up the resolution. I'm afraid I had already tried loading it with a G8F but it makes no difference. And there's no additional sliders in the Parameters pane.
Also, I just wanna point out that I can apply materials to the hair okay if that gives any clues to the issue.
Haydina Shaping and Parameters are working correctly for me. I attached a screenshot showing the parameter sliders you should see. Here is a video in my dropbox showing the Shaping and Parameter sliders in action.
You haven't answered some of Richard's important questions:
1) Used DazCentral (I also tried reinstalling it that way to no effect)
2) See below.
Thanks for posting the information. I've never tried Daz Central. I use DIM. Daz Central is designed for new users, so since you are new, it might be the right choice for you.
Haydina is a really nice looking hair, so we need to get this fixed!
It sure looks like the shaping presets got installed, but the morphs that those presets use, did not get installed (or did not get installed correcty to the right place, or Daz Studio isn't looking in the right place for them). Let's go look and see if they are installed at all:
Do you have those files? If not, we have to figure out why not. If you do have them, we have to figure out why Daz Studio doesn't see them.
By the way, what operating system are you using? What version of Daz Studio are you using (go to Help>About Daz Studio to get the exact version)?
Do you own any other hair products with shaping presets? Do those work?
Okay, so I found all of the .dsf files just like they're displayed in your screenshot, I think we're getting somewhere. I've also found the morph preset files that are displayed in my content library, but they're in a different directory (E:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\People) than where the actual morph files are (E:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\WindField etc). I'm not sure if this is what's causing the issue.
OS is Win 10 build 17763.1339 and my DAZ Studio version is
So the morphs files are installed and seem to be in the right place.
It is correct for the presets to be in the People folder (People\Genesis 8 Female\Hair\WF Haydina Hair\Presets) and the morphs to be in the Data folder. So that is not the issue. Since you can see the presets and the material presets even work, it seems like your content library is properly mapped in Daz Studio. This is a puzzle!
Let's see if it is only Haydina hair that is the problem or if it is a broader problem. If you load the Toulouse Hair from Genesis Starter Essentials, do those morph show up in the Parameters pane? They would be in the Actor section.
This thread shows a similar problem with another Windfield hair: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/5825226
The solution was to uninstall and reinstall it.
Yup, they do.
Tried that, didn't work.
So, Toulouse Hair morphs show up in Parameters, but Haydina morphs don't. You could try manually downloading the Haydiina Hair from your Daz account online Product Library. Then unzip the file and put the contents into the correct folders in your Content Library. That would be reinstalling, but cutting Daz Central out of the loop, in case Daz Central is just buggy on this product.
Another thought. Your Content Library path name is kind of long (E:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library). I wonder if the total pathname to the final morph file level is getting too long. (I don't know if Daz Studio even has a limit independent of the OS). The whole path would be E:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\WindField\Haydina Hair\Haydina Hair Genesis 8 Female\Morphs\WindField\Base\Adjust ForeheadDepth.dsf for example.
Does the Daz log file have any warnings or error message that look related to this problem? You can find the log file from within Daz Studio in the menu Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File. It will be huge. The latest info is at the bottom.
Richard Haseltine is the forum Daz Studio guru. I will try to get his attention to take another look at this, now that we have eliminated a lot of potential problems.
You could submit a help request to Customer Service and see if they can help. I am running out of ideas.
So I'm trying to manually install Haydina hair to troubleshoot it further, and I know you're probably gonna smack your palm against your head reading this but what's the proper place to put the 'Contents' folder? Is it E:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library ?
As for your theory on the pathname, the only thing I changed while installing DAZ Studio was to change it from default C:\ drive to E:\ drive due to space limitations, so I don't really understand how the total pathname could be too long since it should be default. I'm also not getting any warning/error messages when I try dragging in the preset shapes.
I'm gonna give a help request a go if manual installation doesn't fix the issue.
No palm smacking necessary. Every new user struggles with the same thing. You don't put the Content folder anyplace. You open it and merge the data folder inside of it with the data folder in your Content Library. You merge People, etc. Then you can discard the Content folder. It is just a holder to consolidate the folders inside of it. Just be careful when copying the files, to put them in the right location. Never nest a Content folder inside your Content Library!
I've never used Daz Central, but that is a surprising default location.
Yes, no Daz content installer should be defaulting to the Program Files folder - that will almost certainly fail as it is a protected location.
Since he changed the path from C:/ to E:/, is it still a protected location?
Have you tried Daz Central? I have not, so I don't know how it handles file path configurations.
I am not certain, but I believe Windows is protective of Program Files regardless of which drive it is on.
Richard, what steps would you advise him to take next to fix this problem and avoid future problems?
Try installing the content in a folder that isn't in a "Program Files" folder, just in case that is indeed the issue.
Well, I tried making a fresh install of everything: DAZ Studio, Haydina Hair and DAZ Central, and the morphs seem to work now. Still unsure what was causing the issue in the first place, I'll investigate further and update if I somehow figure it out.
I'm glad you have it working now!
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