Scene Subset can't find morphs despite them being downloaded

Lately I've completely deleted DAZ and redownloaded it through Daz Central to start fresh and now I'm having trouble loading in characters I saved as scene subsets. The morph set in question is the SY 200 free morphs by SickleYield and even though they are present in the side bar, when I try to load in my custom characters, I get this message saying that they couldn't find the related sliders. Is there a way I can tell Daz where they are - similar to how you can locate textures if those go missing?
This is just one of many issues the systems in DS4 has, create a product and release it, then six months later do an update that changes folder/file names, which breaks any content made with the original release.
DAZ have been doing this with their morphs since Genesis 1, and it looks like SY is just as guilty.
When loading assets DS uses the listed pathways in the DUF/DSF files to find the files first, when it can't find the files at the location it coughs up errors, it then checks all assets for any matching internal property names, if it finds any then they get used instead.
I've just checked and those missing files are still there, so hopefully it's just a folder name change, and not an internal property name change, in which case your characters should still work.
Not sure if loading your scene subsets and then saving them again will clear the errors or not, failing that you will need to open them in a text editor and change the pathways.
I'm not sure how DS4 could be blamed for name changes in the product.
I "blamed" DS4 because if I'd "blamed" the devs you would have deleted my post
Same question - how is it their fault if things are renamed or moved? Either way you seem to be blaming the application for lacking supernatural abilities. Perhaps just avoid throwing blame around entirely.
Silly question, but did you actually reinstall that SY 200 free morph set? It's not a DAZ Product, so DAZ Central would not have reinstalled it for you. If you did reinstall it, then where did you put it and is it in a content library known to Daz Studio?
The versions available to download no longer have the morphs in the "morphs/daz 3d/sy200" folder, instead they are in the "morphs/sickleyield2018/sy200" folder.
When you save a scene etc any active morphs get added to the DUF file, which just so happens to include the pathway to where DS found the morph.
I reinstalled it manually by dropping the files into the "My Daz 3D Library folder.