can't open the program

Daz studio that is. I submitted a ticket about this, but I thought I would ask here as well in case someone else has encountered this.
I'm having trouble opening the program periodically. As an example, this morning I opened Daz studio and worked on a scene for a bit. I closed the program, then tried to reopened it. Clicking on the icon from my start menu did nothing. Trying to open it from Daz Central did nothing. Opening the EXE directly did nothing. I tried running the EXE in admin mode and was told I need elevated privileges to open the software. What? Then, after clicking on the icon several dozen more times from daz central, the program finally opened. How does that even make sense? Anyone else had this happen - know what is going on here?
Hi ;) I'm using a translator so sorry if I'm expressing myself badly,
I don't see where that could come from, but since the latest versions of daz don't allow multiple instances (not sure)
maybe the program is closing down badly, did you check in the task manager to see if daz studio was closed down ?
I really don't know if it's because of that but any attempt to fix a problem is good and i just try to help ^^
I will check that next time. That might explain it.
Yes, DS does not simply launch a new instance if you try to start it while it is running. Multiple instances are still possible, but they have to be run deliberately (via command line, custom short-cut, or launch from within an open DS). If Task Manager (with More Details enabled) shows DS to be running with activity then it is cleaning up - probably best to simply wait. If it is showing 0% CPU activity it may be stalled and you can either wait a bit longer or force quit (just be aware that that is not zero-risk). If DS is frequently freezing on shut down then you need to figure out why - third-party plug-ins are a frequent cause.