Gia 6 disappeared?

I am positive I have not uninstalled any base character from Genesis 2, but Gia 6 no longer appears in my content folders. (I have few enough Genesis 2 figures where I have no need to uninstall any of them, especially base figures.)
She also doesn't appear in DIM at all.
The only way to get her appears to be 100% manual or Daz Connect.
What happened here?
I am concerned that Gia 6 disappeared from my folders. Yes, it's concerning that it got lost in DIM, but removing content off of my Daz install (either making it invisible or non-functional) is the big concern here.
EDIT: I have reinstalled her via Daz Connect because I was planning to use her, but it's still not cool to have her missing in the first place.
Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
She shows up in DIM for me as "Gia for Genesis 2 Female" rather than Gia 6; the installed files all leave off the 6. There's a Gia.duf under Characters and a Gia folder under Materials.
I guess I can chalk it up to user error, but I still don't know how Gia 6 disappeared. It's not a name that I would remove from my Daz timelnies, especially with that small of an install size and that era of figure.
I've definitely removed content via DIM, but it's all Genesis 8-era content where sorting by order date and filesize should not put Gia 6 into any sort priority for culling. I don't remove base figures either.
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯