D-force slime

Hi everyone. This is not tecnical problem but if you give me any clue I appreciat.
My question about d-force slime. Normaly if you select gooey slime shape and when push the sim. button, gooey slime shape falls over the object and reshapes according to object. But if the object has d-force too, when you push sim. button both of them are moving together and gooy slime gets undesirable shape (Stick to nearest object.)
Thank you :)
You could try to simulate the object first and then freeze simulation of that, and then simulate the slime.
How can we choos one by one for simulating?
You could just make sure that the Slime has a higher Collision layer than whatever it is to drape over (in the Surfaces pane).
Problem is moving together.
There's dForce Companion which can sometimes help you select what simulates. https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-companion
edit: fix address
I think Vendor can answer this situation KindredArts
What are you wanting to happen?
If you watch d-force video example, body and cloth move same time and then stop. This is normal. But if you put the slime over the cloth or over the object all of them are moving also these are normal but slime sticks to nearest object for example to hair not shoulder or desired point. My question how can I simulate only slime.
There is a "simulate only selected" box in the various dForce controls. You can also freeze simulation for the clothes or make them not visible of rthe slime simulation, then freeze the simulation on the slime. Finally do the simulation on the clothes. It is very worthwhile to look through the various Simulation menus, controls and choices.
In that case simulate the cloth/hair, then select it and enable Freeze Simualtion in the parameters pane, then add and simulate the slime (I think this was suggested above).
I think it works I'll try thank you very much guys.