How can this happen? And how is it solveable?

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817




Why is the left object not open, even if I use the morph?

It`s the left one:

Thanks :)

I only loaded the prop and used the slider.

Post edited by Loony on


  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    Does the same for me too. You can report the problem to Daz Customer Service and have the issue fixed.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558
    edited August 2020

    If you want to fix it yourself, the General Weight Map is missing from the SingleWardrobe, SingleWardrobeDoor, and SingleWardrobeDraw. The door will open if you change the weight mapping to TriAx, but the drawer will not.

    Short answer: I'm no expert, but I basically copied what was done on the DoubleWardrobe parts.

    Long answer:

    1) In the Scene tab select the Singlewardrobe bone (the second part down, not the top level).

    2) Select the Geometry Editor Tool, Tool Settings pane, select Singlewardrobe face group (click the + sign in the Add column). Make sure nothing else is selected (click the - sign on all other face groups, if any)

    3) Select the Weight Mapping Tool and verify on the tool settings page (these are the settings it should load with):
    Binding Tab: Weight Mapping mode General, General Weight mode Linear, Scale Weight mode Binding.
    Normalize tab: Rotation Weights off, Scale Weights Auto, General Weights Auto.

    4) Still with the Weight Map tool, go to the General Tab in the Tool Settings, Weight maps -> Unused Maps select General from the drop-down list (if not already), click Add Map. (The prop might disappear, but it is still there and will come back as weight maps are added. Don't ask me how or why.)

    5) Right-click in the viewport (or on the Tool Settings tab) and select Weight Editing -> Fill Selected (It will operate on the face group and bone previously selected, so you do not have to try to find the invisible prop). Dial up the amount in the popup to 100% and accept. (You should now see something tinted red)

    Repeat Steps 1-5 (I hope I didn't miss anything) for the other two bones (Singlewardrobedoor, Singlewardrobedraw). Go back to the Universal tool, or whatever you normally use when posing a scene. Now the door and drawer should work as expected.

    ETA: In this case, the Triax Weights are already defined, so you can just select the figure, then, with the Weight Map tool active, right click in the viewport and select Weight Editing -> Weight Conversion -> Convert TriAx Weight to General Weight. It will take care of everything. Save As... -> Support Asset -> Save Modified Assets (will overwrite the existing data files)

    Post edited by NorthOf45 on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited August 2020

    Thanks for the Feedback, I will report it to the support.

    One thing does confuse me:

    The Artists did tested it and in the Promo image is it open, so how was it able to get bugged?

    Post edited by Loony on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited August 2020

    Update I found a very easy fixing way:

    I just got the idea and its working. you load this set, then the object will load with correct working morph and that object will you just save as single prop (as scene subset) :)

    @NorthOf45 I am happy I didnt made all the way you made :P you way sounds so long :o

    Post edited by Loony on
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Well, yes, that would be 100 times faster, but the one in Main Bedroom 02 has TriAx weight mapping, so the drawer still will not open, as I discovered earlier. As to how much effort is required to do the rigging, well, that's how it is (and this is a very simple case).

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    NorthOf45 said:

    Well, yes, that would be 100 times faster, but the one in Main Bedroom 02 has TriAx weight mapping, so the drawer still will not open, as I discovered earlier. As to how much effort is required to do the rigging, well, that's how it is (and this is a very simple case).

    The drawer does open, I tested it... I can move the slider and it does stay open.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Now that is strange, mine absolutely does not open. I can see the bone and the bounding box move, but the polygons stay put. 

    Which version of Studio are you using? I'm using

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    I use ( did hear a lot times that the "1.+" version is not stable). So I stay on my "0.8" Version ;)

    Are you sure you loaded the "full preset"? Maybe try to load one of the other presets. Maybe does one work.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited August 2020

    Here is a clip:

    (and yes they stay open)

    Post edited by Loony on
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    The door opens properly, I'm talking about the drawer at the bottom.

    And I found a much quicker way to convert to General Weight mapping. In this case, the Triax Weights are already defined, so you can just select the figure, then, with the Weight Map tool active, right click in the viewport and select Weight Editing -> Weight Conversion -> Convert TriAx Weight to General Weight. It will take care of everything. Save As... -> Support Asset -> Save Modified Assets (will overwrite the existing data files)

    (Adding this to the original instructions)

    600 x 691 - 77K
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Oh no you are right, that is bugged too -.-.... ARGH!!! What did this PA made...

    GRML, I expected that the full preloads does work correct ;(

    When I fix it I will have to replace all :/

    --- I made your step, is THIS the correct dialog and I just press accept?

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Yes. This replaces the base item, so anywhere it is used will load up with the proper functionality, like in scene files. No need to replace all.

    I think the PA simply forgot to add or convert to General Weight maps on this item. All the others with moving parts are correct.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Did clicked accept but...

    As you can see it does stay closed, did loaded a new set

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558
    edited August 2020

    It might be cached in memory, since Studio sees the same SceneID. Try restarting Studio and load again.

    Okay, tried it myself and the sets load it with TriAx Weight Mapping, even though the General Weights are now included. I can't see where in the preset it could possibly be done. So, I guess they do have to be saved again, unless there is a trick somewhere.

    Post edited by NorthOf45 on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Thanks for the note, and... your new way was much faster to fixing as your first initial thing :D

    I updated now all, sadly we cant share it, so... they have to do it by themself :/ I also managed to keep the original thumbnails :)


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558
    edited August 2020

    Found the reference in the .duf to the property that sets the weight map binding in the scene subset. It is part of scene, modifiers, id= ("skin-something" it varies, but the parent is LCp_singlewardrobe), extra, binding_mode. It is set to "Local"; change it to "General" and save the file. Much easier that way.

    ETA: The separate Single wardrobe item has the same modifier saved with it, but is set to "General", but lacked actual General weight maps. The weight maps are saved with the data file, but apparently the binding mode is not, or at least it can be changed with a preset.

    Post edited by NorthOf45 on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Well, I did fixed the object in all 3 files, the 2 presets and the single loading prop.


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Maybe add a summary of what was done, or a link to this thread in your help request to guide whoever will be making the corrections.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    I added this thread to the ticket from beginning :)

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    @NorthOf45 the Support told me theyy can't reproduce it... oh man!....


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Did you specify the drawer at the bottom? I recall a little confusion between the door and the drawer at the beginning of the discussion. The door will work in TriAx mode, because the Rotation weight maps are there, but the drawer will not pull out. Period. It needs the General Weight mapping. Anyone else out there have the same problem? I bet you do...

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    well I told them to take a look in this Thread :(

    And I think I forgot the drawer first :/

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Well, it was confusing. This thread will help with a solution, but they have to see the problem first. Go step by step to reproduce the problem (but if you fixed it, that could be a problem itself), i.e., "I load the standalone prop "MLAB Single Wardrobe.duf" and try to open the door and drawer, but they do not move. When I load the presets that include the Single Wardrobe (Main Bedroom 02, Spare Bedroom), the door opens but the drawer does not move."

    Then ease into the explanation as to why. The stand-alone prop doesn't work, as is, because it is set to General Weight mode, but no General Weights are defined. The one in the presets does sort of work, at least the door opens, but the drawer does not. The prop in the preset uses TriAx weight mapping mode and has the Rotation weights. All uses of the prop should have the same Weight mapping mode and functionality. All the other props with doors and drawers use General Weight mapping.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Lets hope they just read your comment xD.... you are much better in English as me ^_^ and with Daz3d.

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