[Solved] Parameter sliders merging together and turning red.

lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

As I edit the Parameter Settings for a node, sometimes two or more of them that I have edited will spontaneously merge together and the slider color will turn red.

I hate that.

How to I get them un-merged again?

Post edited by lukon100 on


  • Are you sure you haven't given them the same label? Is there a number in parentheses after the label?

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    Are you sure you haven't given them the same label? Is there a number in parentheses after the label?

    Actually, I am sure I DID give them the same label. And in this case 3 of them got merged and 3 is the number after the label. But I did not expect that giving them the same label would make them merge.

    Is giving them the same label the official way to get properties to merge if you wanted to merge them?

    Anyway, now i've got 3 of them merged that I do not want merged.

    Again, how can I unmerge them?

  • In the Parameters pane turn off Preferences>Consolidate Properties, as I recall (can't check just now)

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 818

    In the Parameters pane turn off Preferences>Consolidate Properties, as I recall (can't check just now)

    Ya that works. Thanks so much, Richard.

    In my interface, it is alt-click the Properties tab and un-check the Consolidate Poperties checkbox in that manu.

  • lukon100 said:

    In the Parameters pane turn off Preferences>Consolidate Properties, as I recall (can't check just now)

    Ya that works. Thanks so much, Richard.

    In my interface, it is alt-click the Properties tab and un-check the Consolidate Poperties checkbox in that manu.

    Sorry, I meant to say in the options menu - which is either right-click on the tab or use the lined button in the top corner. Glad you found it anyway.

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