DS Files 2 big 4 Bryce

rbpahl_cde706a00frbpahl_cde706a00f Posts: 13
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

My system for using bryce and the latest version of DS is to have two mini-macs, one with OS 10.411 and the other with the latest OS available. My old mac is pretty short on RAM and space.bc it is so old. When I chose "Export" as an .obj file, DS creates quite a large file, esp with certain hair styles. I wish there a way to click somethong ie, "Export for Bryce" that will eliminate items and features that Bryce doesn't use? Be nice if there was one.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited June 2014

    I have never paid close attention to what gets created during export, but perhaps you could try using Texture Atlas and compare the results to see if that might help. I recall there is the option to create (or not create) several different types of maps during this process, and I usually deselect everything except the diffuse and transparency/opacity out of habit when I use it, which presumably would reduce the number of things being exported had those items been used.

    You can also reduce the sizes of your image textures. (Texture atlas combines multiple images into a single image (well, all diffuse into one, all transparency into a second, etc.) and also allows you to specify the size, which means you can do all your resizing in one shot.)

    If you don't need the object's textures at all because you plan to use Bryce materials anyway, you can just eliminate them prior to transfer so these textures aren't included.

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • rbpahl_cde706a00frbpahl_cde706a00f Posts: 13
    edited December 1969

    Thanks... i think 8-)

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    If anything I said wasn't clear, go ahead and ask and I can try to clarify. Other people may also have additional suggestions.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Sean may possibly have something with the textures. Bryce uncompresses textures, which are usually given as JPG, so the kb size increases to the size of a BMP

    I have found I have problems with quite a few of my exported OBJs if the textures are too large, or there are too many of them in the OBJ and I have a fairly modern system (15 months old) 64 bit and quad core with masses of RAM,

    Bryce is also 32 bit so can't utilise all the RAM, 2gb or around 3.5gb if made LAA

  • Lord GanthorLord Ganthor Posts: 592
    edited December 1969

    Bryce really hates large textures, I found that out early on. Here's my workaround, for what it's worth...

    I gave up on Bridge a long time back, never being able to export anything with out everything crashing. I always export whatever the "things" from Studio as an .obj. Once that's done, look in the file you exported to and find a folder named "Maps". This folder contains all of the texture files for what you've exported. Open any of these files, the ones over say, 200K in an editing program, like PhotoShop or Gimp. What seems to work best for me is to reduce the files by selecting 72 dpi and reducing them to about 40%...your mileage may vary as to what size you can get them down to, but I end up at mostly 90 or 125K. Once reduced, save the altered files back in the same folder as a replacement. When you open up Bryce and import the .obj, the textures will come along with the .obj and will require a little adjusting. Maybe not the most effective solution, but I've been doing it for years and the results seem to work alright for me.

    Hope this is of some help.

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