Install Failed - DIM

Daz Install Manager has suddenly stopped working.
I installed a few things a few days ago, no problems. Today I tried to install something and it says 'Install Failed', this occurs for every item.
I haven't even opened the DIM settings in about a year so I definitely haven't changed them from what was working a few days ago.
My SSD appears to be working normally, I can see what is already installed via DIM, I can see what is available to install (so login details are correct). I can use Daz Studio as normal, I just can't install anything via DIM.
I'm using a Mac, DS and DIM are both up to date.
Any ideas?
Sorry, it actually says 'Download Failed'
(yes, my internet is working)
Seems that there is a general failure with Macs and DIM
Once a download has failed once it is best to clear the forwser cache as the corrupted download can stay in cache and all subsequent download attempts will fail at the same point. (That is on Windows, don't know if Macs do the same)
Same problem on 2 Macs here. I installed DIM and Studio on a MacBook that hadn't had them installed before. Same failure on my Mac Mini experiences with DIM as the original poster noted. Put in a trouble ticket last night. No response, but it is the weekend. Other Mac users are reporting the same issue.
I'm having the same Mac issue. Everything worked fine on Wednesday, that was the last time I used DIM. Installed content from other sites manually yesterday as I usually do with content not purchased from Daz. This morning tried to used DIM for content purchased through Daz and get the error. Seems to me something related to Mac's using DIM was changed or broke on Daz Studios site between Thursday and now.
This issue has been reported.
It's working now.
Thank you for reporting this and making sure it was resolved, Richard!
Glad to know that it has been fixed and up and running.
I wonder, would it be possible to have somewhere in the forum where the current status, and any planned update work on the servers could be posted. It may help cut down the spate of "my DIM has stopped working" panic posts.
Thank you for all of your responses everyone.
The issue appears to have resolved itself over the weekend without any need for intervention. Happy days!
Thanks again everyone.x