Basicwear for V4, Basicwear for V4 Unimesh Fits or Basicwear for V4 Unimesh?
I'm kind of confused. I always thought there were two sets of the most popular V4 bikini: Basicwear for V4 and Basicwear for V4 Unimesh Fits. The first one was an independent pack of shorts, bras, tops and panties, the second one - a morph expansion. There were many promos and so on.
Now Summer of Savings popped in and I saw this: Basicwear for V4 Unimesh. What is THAT?
It has some promos of the both previous products, it lists all (I guess) the morphs unimesh fits usually cover. The previous pages for the older sets are both displaying 404 error. Is that a merge or something? The same thing is with Basicwear for M4, although it does not bear a different name. The morphs from unimesh fits are included though.
As far as I recall the Unimesh morph expansion was included in (or rather later added to) the Basic Wear - if not it has since been combined but I don't recall having to pay extra for it. Hmm, I can't easily check as my product Library lists it in the Carrara 8 order, but I'd had it for a while by then.
I have it in the V4 pro bundle, and clicking on V4 Basicwear from that bundle page takes one to the page.
I believe there are two different SKUs for the product:
4784 Basicwear for V4 Unimesh
8622 Basicwear for V4 A4 G4 Elite
both include the geometries and don't require anything else to work; they're identical except that metadata was just added to 4784
Strange, I always thought you had to get the fits to have S4 covered, for instance. Well, good for us anyway! Thank you to all.