ManFriday's Turbo Content - Remove all orphaned references?

I LOVE Turbo Content and much prefer it over Smart Content. I've got no problems with it, but it works off metadata so when I delete the base file for something in my content library, the pose (for example) I deleted still comes up in Turbo Content, but now with a big yellow exclamation mark and is listed as an 'orphaned reference'. Makes total sense, but in order to get rid of it I have to right-click it, then select 'remove orphaned reference', then select 'yes'. I have literally HUNDREDS of these things and they are clogging up the list, I was wondering if there's maybe a way I can make Turbo Content re-read the metadata and get rid of them all in one rather than having to go through them one-by-one and delete them individually like this?
I've tried selecting 'update metadata' in DAZ, and I've also tried re-installing Turbo Content
If anyone else has any knowledge on this, I'd love to hear it!
Cheers xx