MD clothing item, transfer utility into non Genesis 8, couldnt fit

RurisRuris Posts: 123

Hi all,

I've been googling and checking on how to use the Transfer Utility. One area that I couldn't understand is, is the Transfer Utility meant to be used with only 'base model' such as Genesis 8. 

Please do let me know the correct method to use the Transfer Utility. I will get the screenshot if necessary.

Allow me to explain the scenario I'm exploring.

Baseline scenario using Genesis 8

1. Create cloths in MD. Import avatar as Genesis 8. 

2. Fit MD cloth on Genesis 8. Export as OBJ.

3. In DAZ, import the OBJ. Click on Transfer Utility. Item shape default

4. Set Source as Genesis 8. Target as OBJ. 

5. The cloth will somehow fit, not perfect in movement ( read that you need to tweak weight maps etc).

6. Expected result is reasonable.


Non baseline Genesis 8 scenario (tested with Aiko 8/ Ruyun)

1. Create cloths in MD. Import avatar as Aiko8/Ruyun. 

2. Fit MD cloth on Aiko 8/ Ruyun. Export as OBJ.

3. In DAZ, import the OBJ. Click on Transfer Utility. Item shape default. (I have tested both on current as well but no differences)

4. Set Source as Aiko 8/ Ruyun. Target as OBJ. 

5. The cloth will be totally mess up. 

As dress will be way smaller, it 'sinks' into the character. Is Daz trying to convert from Genesis 8 to Aiko8/Ruyun, even if the cloth is already fitted to Aiko8/Ruyun






Post edited by Ruris on


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,693
    edited August 2020

    I have ever only modelled towards the base character.

    But I did a test. If you in transfer utility set source to current, and then in options click 'reverse source shape from target', and for target just keep it default, then I got it to work.

    Post edited by felis on
  • RurisRuris Posts: 123

    Hi felis,

    Your suggestion seems to have some positive result, thanks.


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