New 4K Monitor and Daz 4.12.1

I just upgraded to a new 4k monitor and Daz 3D's interface seems particularly low res on it. Like both its interface and viewport its still 1080p, but blown up large. So the interface seems far too big, icons too large, etc... Is there a way to ajust this?
One word of advice. It really helps if you add PC stats to your sig or your post. It is not a 'mine is better or bigger thing it is so when an issue occurs we know how to help you depending on your windows version, etc. More often than not, someone may have overcome the exact same obstacle, after days of frustartion and be willing to help you fix it an a few minutes. I had a similar issue but the monitor was not 4k and the system was windows 7 OS. But why post my experience if it is going to be useless for your system? Mine was related to the graphic card limitations.
Edit. Mine was runnig from cpu and could not handle the monitor but it could be as simple as a display port connection.
How does everything else look? Did you set your screen resolution to match the monitor's native resolution? What is your GPU?
AMD Ryzen 7 8-Core 3.59ghz
GeForce GTX 1660 6GB VRAM
Yes I have Windows screen resolution set to 3840x2160
Daz currently looks like this. Huge icons and alliasing everywhere.
Okay, what seems to be happening is... I have my Windows scaling set to 300% but I can't independently scale Daz by itself. I kind of like 300% for everything else, any way to have DAZ ignore this setting?
Okay, I seem to have fixed it by going to App Properties > Compatablity > Change High DPI settings then check boxing "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling Performed by Application"
This puts the interface at 4k, but I do wish it was now possible to scale it up a bit more, its almost too big now. Oh well. Better then nothing.
I have a 4k display. I keep it set at 250%, everythng looks fine. The render windows are blown up by about a factor of two, but that doesn't really bother me. Be aware, there are applications that do not behave well with 4k monitors. What you get is really tiny icons, text, menus, some menus overlap. The only fix for that is to the change the resolution to 1080.