H-Lee Hair "handles for posing"?

I have purchased the H-Lee Hair and am trying to pose it. The description includes the following:
H-Lee hair is a new fantasy hair with tails that contains handles for easy posing.
One Handle is added to each of the tails and and the bangs containing two handles so you can pose it your way.
How or where do I access these handles to pose the hair?
Are you using the hair on the figure it was made for, or have you used AutoFit to trasnfer it? I assume you mean https://www.daz3d.com/h-lee-hair-for-genesis-3-female-s
I used autofit to transer it to a Genesis 8 character.
Yes, that is the correct product, sorry for leaving out the link.
Autofitting removes the bones = No more handles
Genesis 3 hair can be used on Genesis 8 without autofitting.
Sevrin has a better description of the method here;
Ah, I see. Thank you very much, I will give that method a try!
Ok, this worked, thank you very much!
I did discover one gotchya, which is that if you cause the hair to be autofit, delete it from the scene and then add it back in, the handles no longer work. You have to delete the hair, exit the scene, and reload it in order to have the handles be selectable.