dForce Error

I'm using dForce for the first time, and I get this error:
2020-08-19 23:40:44.456 WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzopenclkernelfactory.cpp(32): Open CL notify: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_MAP_BUFFER on GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (Device 0).2020-08-19 23:40:44.456 WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzdynamicsengine.cpp(2489): ERROR: clEnqueueMapBuffer (-4)2020-08-19 23:40:44.558 Total Simulation Time: 3.35 seconds
Am I correct to assume that my 6gigs of vram is insufficent for dForcing this scene and thus causing the error? If so, is there a way I can get dForce to borrow from my 32gigs of system ram?
If I'm incorrect in my assumption, any ideas on this error would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
What are you trying to dforce and what all do you have in your scene?
Two characters that are customer blends of multiple shapes, but pimarly it's Vlad 8 wearing H&C Business Suit and Vlad's beard, and Aiko 8 wearing Night Stalker Outfit and Messy Pixie Cut.
I need to dForce the Night Stalker outfit, as it's not conforming to my pose.
System specs: