Deleting Unwanted Files From Downloads

I'm going to use the wrong words here because I'm not sure how to explain this, but it's my understanding that when you purchase and download a product from Daz, there is some sort of file (Zip?) that is downloaded and not needed. Where can I find these files so I can delete them? I need the disk space. Thanks
It's set inside DIM. You can also tell DIM to delete the packages once installed so you don't need to do this housekeeping again.
Adavnced settings -> Package Archive
Note that what's placed in that folder is actually a pair of files — the .zip is the actual archived content files, and can be safely deleted after installation, but the matching and much smaller files (I think it's a .dsx extension) are used by DIM. If you delete these files, DIM will want to re-download and re-install everything again, and it won't be able to tell when something's been updated.
No, it's the .dsx files in the ManifestFiles folder that mustn't be deleted. The .dsx files in the Downloads folder can be deleted long with the .zips
<headdesk> Thanks, Mike, I always get those two mixed up.
@mwokee "there is some sort of file (Zip?) that is downloaded and not needed"
The .zip file contains your content. Don't delete it until after installation.