Orc HD issue

Please can someone help me? I have an issue with the Orc HD,
In the view port the model looks fine.
But when I export it or while I'm changing a morph ex body size, the model is changing, losing all the detailed striations. I think fitness and muscular details, not sure. Please check the image.
After I release the morphs scroll bar the details reappear, but on the export I couldn't find anything to fix this.
Anyone knows why it has this behaviour and how to fix it?

Orc HD.png
865 x 728 - 384K
The reason it's changing in the viewport when you adjust morphs is because the HD details are being applied on top of everything else. How are you exporting?
FBX 2012 binary
I'm attaching an image with the configuration and morphs.
At export time it is changing the same way as when changing a morph.
Try exporting with "subD information" checked.
Actually, I just tried that, and FBX doesn't preserve subD. OBJ does, though, for whatever that's worth.
Indeed, I tried myself and looked for workarounds, seems there are none for FBX. Only exporting with OBJ is possible. Thank you for your time and help.