Transfer HD into Normal Map image

I found out that there is not possible export HD into FBX since is using sub divisions of meshes that FBX is not suporting.
I have exported the HD into OBJ but unfortunateley I'm having a hard time tranfering into a Normal Map.
Please can someone help my with any kind of tips or tricks on how I can do this? Which applications I should use to be able bake normal maps images out of a Genesis mesh?
I have tried blender but the resulted image in not right, I'm unable to create a high resolution normal map out of the obj file.
It is possible but only in OBJ not in FBX.
Doesn't the figure come with normal maps?
Unfortunately not, it is very poor on the textures but what I understand it's not the same thing, usually they are creating normal maps from texture and the HD is something else.
Fortunately I've managed to transfer the HD to a normal map and ambient occlusion map, and I'll post a tutorial in the near future.
Below my work so far, an example with normal map and ambient occlusion without a depth map, also the original render.
It's not perfect but there is a clear difference, you can see at the eye, nose and mouth level.