Coffee stains

I have a problem with several of my hair models. Whenever I attach a hair by clicking on it it shows up fine but whenever I hit render there's this weird cracking on the skin of the models forehead and strange coffee stain looking spots I have tried my best to deal with this by going in and erasing it in post with other programs but I don't really think I should even have to do that considering I paid money for the product and it should work. The Hair is for Genesis 8 and the model is Genesis 8. I have been able to alleviate it to a degree by increasing the scale of the overall hair. does anyone know what causes this problem and how to get rid of it permanently?
It tends to show up if the figure is moved away from the origin, moving it back may help. Applying a Push Modifier may also help.
Select the hair, Create>New Push Modifier - it adds an offset property (in cm) that moves the surfae in/out along its normals - for this you'd probably want to use a weight map (via a Push Modifier Weight Node) to limit thee ffect to the scalp.
I had a similar maddening thing happen in a scene where I was using ghost lights to light a character. I can't find the threaf where it was discussed, or I'd point you to it, but the upshot was that the only thing that worked for me was to locate the "cap" for the hair in the Parameters tab and "shrink" it (using Scale) a very tiny amount. By that I mean less than 1 percent, or making it percent of its actual size. It took some fiddling to make the cap interference with the forehead skin disappear, and not have "bald spots" start showing, but I managed to get a fix that worked for my shot.
Maybe a push modifier witll work better for you than it did for me. YMMV.
Render settings > optimization > instance optimization to speed instead of auto sometimes will fix the blotches and eyeball artifacts. Problematic fix if you are using a scene with tons of instances though
IDK what hair you're having issues with, but most have some adjustments with names like head size, forehead depth forehead width, etc. Small adjustments to those are what are needed. Simply scaling won't normally work. I've never used a push modifier to adjust hair caps.
This is a user forum. We all paid money for the products we use and we are here to help each other out, especially newbs. If you don't think you received value for money, you should put in a ticket.