dForce Surface Adjustment settings

So here's a practical example-
I have a skirt for a character that hangs loose just above the knees and I'd like the skirt to fit more like a bodycon skirt would - tighter throughout the skirt from the waist to the bottom hem. What settings would I use in the Surface Adjustment Settings found in the surface pane to accomplish the tighter fit?
I thought that using shrink would do the trick bu it also shortens the skirt which I don't want but just want it tighter. Can someone tell me the difference between a 'stiffer' fit and a 'Stretch-' fit?
How would I accomplish this example with the surface adjustment settings?
Post edited by pfunkyfize on
The only parameter that will change size of the clothing is contraction-expansion. But as you already mentioned, that can not be limited to one direction.
You might be able with the geometry editor to select the lowest or the lowest 2-3 rows of polygons, and create a new face group of them and then only apply the contraction to that. But that will make the skirt above "bag".