Genesis Evolution Morph Bundle and skin tone questions
I'm in no way a 3D modelling person, but I love this program. I'm trying to create a certain look to my models. I have a dual question for which I'd really appreciate some feedback:
1. I have been trying very hard to create pale skin of the sort you see in old paintings, i.e. pale with rosy cheeks and a translucent look. I've tried moving all the sliders around and looking at the renders, but I never seem to get the results I'm looking for. I use Bree All as my base. I've looked at the DAZ help and it says to adjust the curves on the UV map in Photoshop, but this didn't help. How do you go about getting skin that looks pale and translucent? What steps do I need to do? Is it a case of adjusting the skin sliders in DAZ3D or is it something else?
2. If I buy the Genesis Evolution Morph Bundle, will the skin that I have made still fit? If I make eyes larger or smaller, etc. will it still work with the UV maps already there?
Thanks for your help!
The Evolution morphs reshape the mesh of Genesis — the polygons that make up the figure's object. The UVMap determines how a texture fits on to the mesh. The two are completely independent, so the one doesn't affect the other; when you apply one of the Evolution morphs, it distorts the mesh and the UV mapping follows that distortion. So there's nothing to worry about.
Thank you so much! That is really good to know.