Where is my content?

I was just wanting to bounce this off the forums to see if anyone else had this issue. I can't access any of my content in Daz Studio, at first, the left panel of my workspace looked -almost- normal, but each pane showed empty gray telling me to make a selection from the left, but there was nothing to the left. Now, I have the right pane, and the modeling space, but the entire left pane is gone and I have zero access to figures, items outfits or anything in the content library. I've tried uninstalling, I've tried removing all related files from every directory and reinstalling, and just keep getting a modeling space and right pane without anything on the left of the screen. Anybody know what's going on here?
By left pane do you mean the Content Library pane? I would suspect that the container list was collapsed, but it is hard to be sure ( a picture would help). The best bet is probably to use Window>Workspace>Select Layout to reset the panes, then if that doesn't fix the problem please post a screen shot.
That fixed it exactly, thank you! Kinda feel dumb for not noticing that there.