Would bootcamp allow me to take advantage of my Mac video card?

I know that Apple and Nvidia are in a slap fight so there's no hope of getting Nvidia hardware in a Mac any time soon and that CUDAs are what makes DAZ sing...
If I bootcamp into Win10 would that allow me to take advantage of my Radeon or am I SOL and going to need to buy a second machine?
I think I know the answer (no benefit to bootcamp) but wanted to ask. Belt and suspenders don't you know.
Take advantage of your Radeon for what?
Graphics accelleration. Instead of rendering with CPU.
Not to render Iray, if that's what you're asking about. The issue isn't the Mac OS per se, it's the lack of an Nvidia GPU.
Thanks. That answers the question. Just wanted to confirm before I began lobbying the wife unit.