Daz, zbrush, goz and polygroups

I'm not sure if it's the right place to ask, since it's mostly about zBrush but it's also connected to GoZ and Daz so maybe someone had similar question and knows something. Here it is:
I use GoZ to transfer figures to zBrush, create morphs and transfer back. Very handy. But is it possible to take a model to zBrush, then create polygroups for it there for easier sculpting when hands intersect with breasts, for example, and then somehow save them so that later on when I transfer the same model again there would be polygroups that I set up earlier? Or copy polygroups that I created to a newly transferred model(same model, same geometry, different pose).
The DS version of GoZ doesn't send any grouping information over - if you want that you have to use OBJ as an intermediary. You could certainly have an alternative grouping in DS, save it as a character preset, and use that to load the figure when you were going to want to make morphs. I don't know if ZBrush itself can store and apply groups, DS doesn't have a preset type to update a loaded model.
zBrush can apply polygroups and store them if you save it as a tool, but if I then use GoZ again to send model to zBrush it has no polygroups and I can't figure out the way to make it remember those. It remembers the model itself in one session, if you send it, morph whatever, then you change pose in DS and send again zBrush will not create a new one but update the one you sent before so it knows it's the same model in different shape.