How do I use mesh lights in Reality Engine?

Apparantly I should be using mesh lights in reality for the best results, but I don't really see anything like it. Is this something I have to create myself? If so, how do I get it to show up in the Reality Render.
From memory you do that somewhere in the material/surface handling - you 'simply' set te correct option for the surface type. Sorry can't be any clearer as it has been a long while since I used Reality and I no longer have it active.
Well, what about Opencl rendering? Why is it still using my CPU and all 32 gbs of my ram when it should be using my GPU? Its a simple scene with only two characters, so there ain't no way in hell it should be swallowing up all my ram like that at all.
Somewhere in the Render tab, there is the option to specify what to use for the render: CPU onlu, Hybrid, or OpenCL. No idea why it's absorbing all your resources, sorry; I never noticed that sort of thing.
If you still want a set of Mesh Lights then you can download a copy set from HERE, These were originally created and posted on the official Reality Forums by Sigstan .but sadly the link has disapeared