How to reset the 3d cursor for a figure?

Maybe a stupid question, but, is it possible to reset the 3d cursor for a figure after posing?
For example, in the attached file, I posed the pink shirt figure by rotating him. Now, the green arrow is no longer aligned with the world
The blue shirt figure was posed using a pose from the store. His green arrow is aligned with the global grid.
When I pose figures myself, the anchor point seems to be their pelvis, as soon as the charavcter bends, the cursor longer aligns with the global grid. This makes lining up multiple characters a pain when their cursors are all aligned differently. So, is there any way to reset the orientation of the cursor?
(( Yes, I'm using the Blender terminology, I'm sure that widget is called something else in Daz, which is probably why I couldn't find the answer in my searching ))

If you rotate a character's top-level node, it will rotate the widget in global space. If you rotate a character's hip bone, the top-level node will remain aligned with the world. Rotating the hip bone has no affect on the pose (unless something is pinned in place), it'll all move as one. It's extremely difficult to choose between the top-level node, the hip, and the pelvis just by clicking in the viewport, so keep your scene tree handy. Get accustomed to right-clicking the scene tree and hitting "Collapse all" to hide everything and start afresh, then opening a character up to pick their hip bone.
To "reset" the 3D cursor, you would need to zero out the top-level node in the properties menu and then rotate the hip bone until it's in the same position.
If you want to change the widget's axis, select either the rotation or transform tool and go to the Tool Settings window. You can pick either global, local, or object from the drop-down menu. Global is obvious; local and object have to do with selecting bones on a figure. Object will move a bone in the same coordinate space as the whole character, while local will move a bone along its individual orientation. There's two more, but I don't have Daz open ATM and I've never used them.
By far my biggest complaint with Daz Studio is how cumbersome it is to rotate and transform. Blender is so simple and easy; just hit one button to move an object and then hit another button to pick an axis. If there's a way to do that in Daz (short of scripting it myself), I don't know how to do it.
If you're using the Universal Tool, you can open the Tool Settings pane and set it to "Use World Coordinates", that way the green axis always points up. Or you can set it to "Use Screen Coordinates" so it rotates according to your point of view.
It would be nice to configure DS's controls more like Blender (or vice versa). Switching back and forth hurts my brain.