DAZ STUDIO doesnt keep render settings

Hello guys...im having a weird issue that daz studio after the update doesnt keep the enviroment render settings....meaning that it doenst keep any of the HDR im putting in and none of the preferences inside these tab (enviroment)
anybody else has seen this or do you maybe have a solution on this?
thank you very much!
It won't remember most settings between sessions, but by default the settings should save and load with a scene (but not if the scene is only merged). Check the preferences under Scene
If you have a "standard" set of settings that you like, with or without a particualr HDRI, you can save an empty scene with those setting, then have Studio load that scene at startup. You can control all of these things in Preferences.
This is, I believe, the only way to do this. It's what I've done for a while now, works perfectly. I asked a question about this a while back and Richard gave me a great piece of advice at the time, as I asked because I would often accidentally just choose "Save" instead of "Save As" when working on a new Scene... This would inadvertently turn my latest Scene into the Default that loads on Startup... Ugh.
So when you set this up, start with an empty Scene, get all Settings that you want to be your "Default" when you load DS, then go into Edit > Preferences... Where you see your Name as the Author, edit that to be something else (add a number to the end or something that can be easily reverted), accept that change and then Save your "Blank" or "Default" scene. Now go back and change the Author back to the way it was, and from then on, after setting this "Blank" Scene to be loaded on Startup, if you accidentally were to hit "Save", it will automatically prompt "Save As", because you are a "different" Author than the creator of the "Blank" Scene.
guys thank you so much