Auto-Fit / auto-follow tutorial or documentation?

Hi guys!
Recently I've been making some severed limb morphs in blender for my G8 characters, and I was thinking about ways to make a good, textured "cut wound". Unfortunately, Iray decals are too problematic, and I want to make a prop (like a "wound cap"), but using the Auto-fit,(or auto-follow?) function so it always works on every G8 character and scales approprietly to the severed limb size. Is there any tutorial on how one is supposed to make a prop fit and auto-follow into a G8 character's body part? Is this done through geometry editor or something where you select individual faces and "connect" them to the G8 geometry?
I've been looking for online tutorials but didn't find anything useful (maybye I searched wrong?)
in your case you may want to look at geografts instead, the autofit could work if you want it to fit over the top of part of the limb, and making one is pretty much a case of creating it in the correct place and then using the transfer utility with the figure as source and the wound prop as target (this will create a wound figure that fits to G8, but doesn't hide any of the G8 mesh)
but again I would suggest looking for tutorials on making geografts, as the geograft will let you replace part of the limb geometry with your wound graft.
Well, that's a start! Thanks :)