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@NorthOf45 Thanks so much for the instructions... I just made a big purchase of almost 100 items from the dollar sale and had to manually download and install them all. Of course I had some queries about whether or not to download some "PS" and "StudioCF" (??) files but only went with "DS" files and ignored the others. Fingers crossed :P
Also, there were some "template" files which I downloaded but they are now sitting in my DIM>Downloads directory and doesn't look like they have been installed (no .dsx shadow files)
I really am just an end-end-end user and don't enjoy having to work around these technical issues which we really shouldn't have to dance around. Sigh.
Neither Daz Central or DIM are working for a whole bunch of items to purchase, but luckily I only purchased two, nothing showed up yet.
Not working for me, either.
I've taken everything out of my cart now....i'm not manually installing
This is really an unusual occurrence. There have been times when DIM was out of sorts for a couple of hours, but it didn't really last longer than that, but, it is the weekend, so probably fewer bodies to deal with it. Seamless, they said...
Anyway. You will definitely need those StudioCF, they usually contain DS-native material presets, which will be a definite improvement over the Poser materials. And if there is a StudioCF, you will need the Ps version because that has the geometry and the files that load it. And, finally, don't expect much in the way of Smart Content in the old Poser files. In DIM, there is a checkmark next to installed products that indicate if the product is considered "Smart".
Templates don't get installed, as they are really only needed if you will be making your own texture bitmaps, and use them as a guide.
I don't use Connect, but something happens (even after a successful DIM install) when I log in (i.e. connect with the Daz servers) from Daz Studio: it says "updating metadata" for however many items I've just installed (and then "metadata updated successfully" or something along those lines) so I normally do this once after the DIM has installed stuff. One small difference I've noticed as a result of this is that the little descriptors overlaid onto the product icons (e.g. "Actor") will disappear if I rename the product *after* this metadata update...but if I install something via DIM and then rename it without first updating the metadata from within Daz Studio, the overlay stays in place. I have no idea what any of that means under the hood: are you saying I should stay offline if I'm doing all my installing via DIM?
I'm surprised it still hasn't been fixed. Thank you for your reassurance that I won't mess things up by installing the products manually: I'll do that tonight if the automated system's still down.
There should be no difference in the metadata content, wherever it comes from. Are you sure it is only updating the metadata and not installing the product all over again, in a different location? Because logging in to DAZ from Studio is basically using Connect (but I'm no expert, I refused it from the beginning). The metadata in the DIM should be adding the content-type colored flashes to each item, anyway, and defining everything that is needed for Smart Content, as good as it is.
Be careful when saying manual install. That term is generally understood to mean copying directly from the zip file to the folder structure. This is the method used by some who do not want anything to do with any database or other interference in their pursuit of art. Manually downloading to use with DIM is not a manual install, since you are merely skirting around the (broken) download pipeline in DIM, and using DIM to install normally.
What you just did is install the product with Daz Connect. It will go into a completely different folder structure than folders used by DIM.
@Barbult Our previous conversation (about the leggings, remember?) saved me from the above Daz Connect disaster and together with NorthOf45's instructions above, I managed to install 95 items ($1 sales are my Achilles heel) through a manual download followed by DIM installation. It's so complicated
I am actually now sitting down and learning in earnest to use my huge collection of (previously untouched) pre-Genesis products... it isn't as straightforward as I have to go through every subfolder one by one but I am thrilled to see that most of them are actually not as terrible as I thought without iray materials.
Items I purchased this afternoon appear, but not the ones I purchased this evening (this sale is crazy). I wonder if they are having syncing issues with their db. I had difficulty getting it to respond after selecting a payment method as well.
Manually downloading and installing appears to have worked. Most appear in the 'right' categories. Some are older files so I'm not sure they work with the smart content anyway.
I don't remember that specific discussion, its complicated
remembering every post, you know. But if I saved you from disaster, that is good!
Interesting turn of events. I signed into DIM this morning, and the product that wasn't appearing yesterday is in fact appearing now.
But when I click to download it, it immediately gives me "Download Failed!".
It is only happening on that one product purchased yesterday when these issues started. Other products purchased before this date download fine.
Very frustrating.
Same here
is it a steampunk flying machine?
I opened my DIM up this morning, and the items were waiting to be downloaded and did so fine :-)
Nope, it's a HDRI set released a few months back. Must be effecting whatever was purchased yesterday during the issues.
New sales items (bought yesterday) still not available in DazCentral here.
Update from me. The item I purchased yesterday has appeared in DIM overnight. It wasn't installing a few hours ago, but I tried it just now and it's working.
However, I just bought another item ten minutes ago. That one is not appearing in DIM, just like the one before it. So there are obviously still issues.
I made a purchase with over 100 items and DIM is pretending that my order doesn't exist - not a single one of the over 100 products I purchased last is in DIM. I REALLY hope I don't have to manually download them one by one. I know the trick - manually download them into the folder that DIM can recognize so that they can at least be installed via DIM, but that's still a pain in the bottom. I really hope that this is just a bug and that it will be fixed and that it's not how DIM is supposed to be behaving now... with the several changes to the store lately, I have to wonder if this is intended behaviour or not. I REALLY hope not.
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say that I am having the same problem as everyone else. I know that manual install is possible, but I just wanted to write as a way to express my dissatisfaction. Perhaps this will somehow have the right people fix the problem (?). I downloaded:
Romantic Poses for Genesis 8 Female(s) and Male(s)
Winter Dweller for Genesis 8 Male(s)
Axel Hair for Genesis Male(s)
They do not show up in my Install Manager. Or if I happen to click Install To Manager, the product will show up in Install Manager but will fail to install.
Anyway, I hope this problem gets fixed. I even downloaded Daz Central thinking it would solve the problem, but of course, it didn't.
I think it will sort itself out eventually. I am in the same boat. I know how to manually install but that's not the point. I want DIM to work because it's what I use.
I bought something yesterday. It appeared in DIM overnight. I woke up and it's now there. Maybe just wait a few hours and see?
I bought something else today and now that is not appearing. Same as the previous item yesterday. So there's definitely still issues going on.
Yep, same here. I've tried several times and it just keeps saying "Failed to Install".
No changes for me. Products still not showing. This is putting me off purchasing anything until it's resolved.
Yea same issue here.
Me too, purchases not in DIM
Same here. My new purchases do not appear in "Ready to Download" tab.
I know I can do that, but I perfer smart content, so rather install them from Daz center
I have some 10 items purchased this weekend. Neither IM or DazCentral see or install them. Manual install is confusing and didn't work on the one Item I tried it with. I cannot and will not buy more stuff from the wishlist till this is fixed. I don't want to screw something up and have wipe DAZ for a new install, that would take a couple of days with some 2,000 items to install plus the 3ed party manual installs.
They're losing money and we're missing out on deals. It's 10am in Utah so tech support should be on it by now.