Is it possible to transfer a rig from one item to another?

is it possible to transfer riggings from one item to another?
I load that Jeans, could I transfer it to this:
when I load it as simple .obj prop.
To make it easy rigged to Genesis 8?
AND is there a option to create some auto rigging? That the engine can try to autorig it?
You would need the OBJ to fit onto the base figure without adjustment, which might involve some fiddling with transforms and dForms followed by export to OBJ and reimport, but the donor for the Transfer Utility can be anything (Edit>Figure>Transfer Utility, set the Source to the figure you want to use and the Target to your OBJ). Of course if you used another clothing set as the Source you could not share the result with anyone, or use it as part of a product, and you should expect to need to add morph morphs and adjust the weight maps before the target item was done.
Thanks for your answer, sounds... for my "basic Level" still complicated :D