Daz To Unreal Bridge does NOT work as shown

I have been following the tutorial step by step on how to do the Daz to Unreal Bridge, and I am finding that I pretty much get a stack of errors.

If you watch the video, the import is smooth as silk, no problems no issues. However when I get to the points of "Unreal will automatically start teh import" - it does, but my end result is a long list of what DIDN'T work.

I am  frustrated after my 10th attempt and gettint the same sort of error stack. This Last attempt is simply G8F... no other morphs applied, no change in texture, just load her into Studio, and try teh Bridge. Attached is what I get.

The Biggest Issue I find is that ther is NO working skeletin in Unreal do work from or modify to correct. So I am essentially failing this one.

Any Ideas or help on this? Atached is my Unreal error stack.



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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    open the mesh and go to skeleton there

    open a second content browser first

    click show in browser

    it will then show for retargetting too, it is under the game engine development tools etc not your project content folder

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Opening a second Content browser window.

    I do not show a MESH folder under my DazToUnreal content folder "G8F_Plain"

    I have the G8F_Plain root, which contains two folders. Materials and Textures.


    It's just not there, unless I'm looking at the icons wrong? There is one that shows G8F_Plain, only when I hover over it does it say (Skeletal Mesh). If this is it, it certainly has changed in look :)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited August 2020

    I meant open the skeletal mesh in the editor of whatever you called your character or scene (unless unsaved in which case it probably is Genesis 8 female) which is in the DAZtoUnreal folder, mine all ended up being named for my DAZ scene.

    I don't know if you have used UE4 before so unsure just how much I need to explain

    familiarising yourself with UE4 should really be done before you even consider trying DAZ imports, watch tutorials follow the self help links etc

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    I appreciate the information, It helps when posting something to get a reply. As far as Unreal is concerned I call myself a dabbling beginner. I have played around in it a few time, even built a level to the point where it started to crash out... a lot. So yes, a lot of videos, and a lot of tutorials are in my future. But here is the thing, I am trying to follow a tutorial. I know enough about how unreal works to know that "something" is not correct.

    This is the video tutorial I am trying to go through, made by DAZ (I think) on how this new feature works. Great, I've been trying to figure this out for over 2 years, and now it's finally here, yes i WANT to know how to do this... so, press play.

    Following tutorial... everything this just fine. Stop, start, make sure I am doing exaclty what she is doing (except character and clothing.) At 2:20 in the tutorial, I have this screaming brakes sound as.... wait, I received a huge list of errors. Tutorial didn't... Hmmm.

    At 2:30 in the tutorial, she is about to show you what you need to do with the skeleton... Screaching sound again... What is displayed in this tutorial's folder, roughly 4-5 times what I have in my folder (Image 1 is from video, image 2 is from my system.)

    Now the reason I point out the skeleton, is because I KNOW that this is key to just about everything Unreal, animations go to it, models go to it... etcetera. Guess what... My system does not have one located anywhere within the DazToUnreal folder. If I navigate down some more to the Mannequin\Mesh folder... (woops, screaching brake sound again...) Where is MY Mesh folder? Well... I do not appear to have one...

    So this is why I am posting here... "Something" is not working correctly and I would really like to figure out what and why :D

    Again, thanks for the replies and help.


    Tut Skel.png
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  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    And sorry - really didn't intend to post the video... just the link

  • because it is actually not located in the DAZtoUnreal folder

    its in the plugin folder in program files!

    that is why I opened a second browser and docked it by the first then clicked on the mesh icon and went to its skeleton tab and clicked show in browser up the top.

    Now retargeting the mannequin  the wizard will see the skeleton 

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    And that was the piece that was missing. "It's not in that folder, it's in a different folder" - So I find the CORRECT folder, and find the Skeleton!


    So now another question pops up - there is a skeleton in the DazToUnreal Content folder for Genesis3 Base as well. Were these already Prefigured and placed in when the plugin was run? I don't use G3, so I'm assuming that this is the case.

  • Vially said:

    And that was the piece that was missing. "It's not in that folder, it's in a different folder" - So I find the CORRECT folder, and find the Skeleton!


    So now another question pops up - there is a skeleton in the DazToUnreal Content folder for Genesis3 Base as well. Were these already Prefigured and placed in when the plugin was run? I don't use G3, so I'm assuming that this is the case.

    yes are presets as are the iray materials set up

    your user folder just gets plugged into all that stuff

    if you look at your materials you will see they reference the base

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Okay cool, thanks. I sort of associated the different folders as the content being the base and main folder, the other as being a particular character, differences allowed.

    My next bigggest issue is the error stack and the bone mapping. Honestly I have been trying for a day now, and I never get anythng better than what you see in the image attached. Her shoulder will be attached to her feet, her cheek to her knee and etcetera.

    I've gone through the remapping to make sure things are mapping correct or retargetting correct - under both normal and advanced, and one issue I find is that the U4 manniquin has a Calf twist (shin) while there is nothing even comparable in G8F (reviewing the skeleton tree).

    I've deleted the eyelashes on export from DAZ due to the duplication it causes, didn't resolve. I've remapped the "retargeting" didn't help -

    So now what's my next suggestion?

    Default bone mapping.png
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  • I'm having an issue with the import myself. 
    I need to look a little harder but mine the cheek pulls

    towards the right arm no matter what I do.  Like a big spike. 
    mill post an image later. Not to mention the knees tend to bend backwards a little as well. 

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    And so was there any more ideas as to what might be wrong with this import?

  • ViallyVially Posts: 343

    Guess not -

    Anyone know how to contact the maker of the plugin?

  • oopoop Posts: 0

    i have issue with the daz to unreal bridge... its not bringing the items in to unreal after i click the send to unreal it builds it and puts two files in the temp folder but its not adding it in unreal. 

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