Morph sliders do NOTHING

I have this problems with a few of my products, so maybe there is a general fix for it... I dont even remember every of it.
I randomized everything and nothing moved.
At other clothes I have that problem most time with "FBM Expand all", which is a very useful slider to fix pokethroughs, maybe some files in the Data Folder are corrupt or... I don't know, I know morphs are also part of Weightmaps, so... maybe all the items have broken weightmaps?
The product above is this:
(I never used it xD.... but it looks cool O_O I am like a woman who buys 100 shoes and just wear 5... :/ should give my money to kids in afrika, I am so bad...)
Any ideas?
Is it being used on Genesis 8 Male?
Yepp, loaded on G8M.
Edit: I tested it now without G8M and it works O_O why... is a fitted item the problem?
That's very odd - I assume that you didn't get the AutoFit dialogue pop up after fitting/loading the item?
when I directly select the char and load then the prop, then no, it does autofit, when I load it single... uhm... didnt tested but I would assume there will not come any dialog.
No, there wouldn't be a dialogue when loading with no figure selected. If you are getting the AutoFit dialogue when you load the set with Genesis 8 male selected then soemthing is wrong - does that happen with other Genesis 8 Male clothing?
oh no, there does no dialog come, when I load it on G8M
Ah, OK. Then it is fitting properly and not converting (which would remove any custom bones that might be used by those "morphs"). I'm not at all sure what the issue might be, and I don't have that set myself.
so maybe when I see that problem at some clothes I should test if that also happens when I not load it on char.
I found now the problem, but I dont understand it^^....
The Figures are also clothes, exact the same as Wearables.
But ONLY the wearables does react to the morphs, I have no idea why. Btw. the items are overloaded with a LOT Dformers O_O