More install issues

So my external died and that is where I keep my content (of course). I'm trying to reinstalll but it's just a ton of headaches thus far.
I can't log in to DIM, it just rejects my username & password. They are correct I have double & triple checked.
Of course the Smart Content Pane (I actually like the Smart Content Pane) was showing that everything was still installed. After uninstalling them I can reinstall. That's occurred before when I accidentally deleted my content folder a few years ago. However, several items won't uninstall so won't allow me to reinstall them. Generally this is because those items were installed via DIM. As I don't have access to DIM for some reason, I can't deal with those.
I can't even install the Genesis 8 essentials. I did a manual install of them but it gives me the boxed figure and says to install the Starter Essentials. YAY! I can do it from there right? Nope....
Several of my needed files look like the image with the dotted lines and I can't install at all.
The Built in Content is apparently missing as well - not sure why, but I can't install that either (no option when right clicking). If I open DIM and view it in offline mode it tells me that's installed.
Am I just going to need to do a complete fresh install of Studio? I've never had an issue with installing before - but then again DIM has always worked before.

Just one thought about DIM: is your password very short? (less than 7 characters) - they changed DIM quite recently to require a longer password than it used to accept. If your password is very short them you need to go to your Account on the store page and update it to a longer one.
If that's not the problem, then sorry I have no ideas.
No I'm using the new one from when we had to change it.
DS Built-In Content isn't - all content has been split out into separate installers (Default resoruces).
Is your password at least 7 characters long?
When you manually install, you are taking the folders out of the Content folder and placing them in your actual content directory? Can you access the content through the Content Library>Daz Studio Formats?
My password is 8 long. For whatever reason DIM insists that it's incorrect. I've copy & pasted, logged in and out of DAZ here, in and out of the smart content pane to check it. Works everywhere but DIM. I even reinstalled DIM - no luck.

That said however, there does appear to be issues with DAZ' server because every now and then, since yesterday, I can't log in via Smart Content either, but in that case I get a server message. Later it connects fine.
oh... Ok, so it was still in the Content Folder, within my Genesis 8 folder. So at least I have that.
But I *really - really* want it all installed so I can get to it via the Smart Content. I can easily remove the manual install version - because it's so far the only thing installed. Plus I don't want to have to manually install the ton of content I have
I'm afraid to uninstall Studio since I'm having issues with DIM and connecting.
If you correct the manual install's location it should work, assuming that the metadata is from a DIM install rather than a Connect install.
It does look as if some people are having issues with DIM, yes, though it seems to be working for me just now.
Is the metadata installed to the same drive as the Content?
I had Studio set up to install my content to my external, could that be the issue?
The metadata files go in /Runtime/Support, but with Install manager etc. it's also in the database (which by default is in %AppData%/daz 3d/cms/ContentCluster/) The metadata does not store absolte paths, as long as the files it points to are in the correct relative location inside a content dierctory they will be found.
As long as the content directory is selected (and the drive letter doesn't change) it shouldn't matter, as long as the files are there.