Program not responding hazy screen

I don't know if anyone has this problem pop up. Whenever I am working on something I could click on to load or just be working etc. It'll going into a mode "program not responing" and the screen goes hazy and all functions halt until it clears up and snaps back. Why does it do that. what;s wrong when that happens?
Your computer is frantically trying to keep up. Studio is trying to do something, but isn't telling Windows. Could be an underpowered CPU or low on RAM. If it snaps back eventually, that's good. Sometimes it doesn't.
Yeah that happens to us all, Daz Studio only uses two CPU threads unless it's rendering... I have a 8 core/16 thread i7 CPU with 32Gb of RAM and two GTX1080Ti GPUs running everything off SSDs and it still does it