Second Screen Problems

So hey, don't know if this is the right place or whatnot or if I just missed the magical keywords when I tried to search for the problem, but here is my problem.
I have two screens, as most do, and I like to have most of my production programs (UE, VS, PS, Animate, Substance, ect.) take up both screens, cos, well, why have two if you're not gonna use 'em?
Normally everything is fine and dandy in Daz, and most times I don't have a problem, where my problem is, is when I accidentally close the other window, because that's where I get pissed off and quit using Daz for a few days. Why? Because I have to set up the second window every time, have to put all the tabs in the right order and all that jazz...
Now I know I can save a workspace, and that seems to pull up the main window just fine, but it pulls up the secondary window for a brief moment and then it closes it again so I am stuck with resetting up everything again.
So my question is, is there a way around this? Am I missing a key setting somewhere or a hotkey that will reopen the second window? Or am I screwed and have to reset up Daz every time?
*Edited for clarity
What's D3D? Do you mean Daz Studio, ie DS, D|S or Studio?
Yes, I mean Daz Studio.
If the panes are simply undocked they certainyl should be remembered, if they have been made undockable (via the option menu) then they are not remembered.