Vector Displacement

Is it possible, currently in Iray, to use vector displacement? If not, are there plans to include it in the future?


  • It isn't supported by the default shader (Daz Uber base), but I think it could probably be implemented via a custom shader. It was certainly possible to set it up in 3Delight via Shader Mixer.

  • I do 3Delight and aweSurface is already set up for vector displacement. But where to find these maps? Can you somehow convert traditional heightmaps or do you need to extract them from a mesh?


    I do 3Delight and aweSurface is already set up for vector displacement. But where to find these maps? Can you somehow convert traditional heightmaps or do you need to extract them from a mesh?

    As far as I know, they're mesh-generated. Mudbox and Zbrush (and I think Blender?) can all generate and use them. I don't think conversion will work, because the vector data wouldn't be there to read.  

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620
    edited September 2020

    Octane can too

    and with the DAZ studio plugin

    I sometimes render a normal vector to use with a 360 backdrop in programs that see them 

    (including Octane)

    to use on my subdivided 360 diffuse sphere in the vector displacement to give it shape, I particularly do this for iClone skies

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Octane can too

    and with the DAZ studio plugin

    I sometimes render a normal vector to use with a 360 backdrop in programs that see them 

    (including Octane)

    to use on my subdivided 360 diffuse sphere in the vector displacement to give it shape, I particularly do this for iClone skies

    I never thought of doing that, but it makes sense that it would be good for generating random, organic, displacements. 


    I do 3Delight and aweSurface is already set up for vector displacement. But where to find these maps? Can you somehow convert traditional heightmaps or do you need to extract them from a mesh?

    As far as I know, they're mesh-generated. Mudbox and Zbrush (and I think Blender?) can all generate and use them. I don't think conversion will work, because the vector data wouldn't be there to read.  

    Tks! Very interesting topic, will look into it some more:)

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