Trying to Convert V4 'SciWizard' to G8F with the RSSY Converter.

So I finally bought the Sciwizard bundel, clothes for M4 and V4 + the cloaks yesterday, only to find out that they didn't fit on my characters at all, despite trying auto-fit and tried morphing the clothes itself. So today I bought the 'RSSY Clothing Convereter from Victoria/Michael 4 to Genesis 8'
Yet strangely enough I almost couldn't find the Sciwizard bundle and once i did find the files, it says ' No clothing files detected.'
Does anyone have any tips or tricks.
More info that might be relevant; I don't own M4 or V4.
You'll need to Force Convert them if a regular conversion does nothing. You might also want to do the boots separately with the "Force Convert Footwear" if a regular conversion mangles them too much.
I suggest using a separate library with nothing else in it to keep the conversion work away from the main library untill you have perfected it. There are all sorts of data files generated that might need to be cleaned up after failed attempts. When you've got it perfected, then you can move it all to the main library, or regenerate in the library, or package it for DIM and install it properly (that's more work, but worth it)
I'll try that, yet I just want to say that I can't even load them into the convertert at all. The pop-up just keeps on coming. Thanks for the tip anyhow! ^W^
Okay, first you have to point to the folder or files where the items are from the utility panel. In this particular case, the folder has both M4 and V4 items, so it might be less confusing to select files. I find a good trick to quickly navigate to far-flung folders is to go to it in your Content Library, right-click on any file,and select "Browse to File Location...", then copy the path (i.e., [library]/runtime/character/AK_SciWizard) from the address bar to use in dialog boxes where you have to find it all over again.
Okay, so click on the "Add Files..." button and paste that folder location in the address bar and hit Enter to go there. You should have a list of .cr2 files to choose from. Select all the V4 files (should be 3 of them, and 6 for M4). Hit "Open" and the list in the converter window should populate after a couple of seconds.
Set your output folder wherever you want. Check and select the items to be converted. I tried the normal conversion, and nothing went through, but the Force Convert Items worked okay. Actually worked out pretty good for both V4 and M4. Pictures at 11...
Sci-fi wizard cloaks are poser dynamic clothes, made for poser cloth room, which means they're basically static props in DS. They won't follow the figure pose, you can't autofit them or convert them with the converter as they're not conforming clothing.
No guarantee on the result, but you can try using them with dForce (poser dynamic clothes often work well with that): parent the cloak to the figure, add a dForce modifier to the various surfaces, then run a simulation. You'll probably have to tweak the settings, and it might require an animated drape.
The outfits themselves are conforming clothing and it should be possible to autofit or convert them.
Right. The cloaks are Poser dynamic cloth, but take to dForce quite well, except for the cowl, which has some self-intersecting mesh, so, ka-boom. A little weight-mapping in strategic areas tames the cowl, and allow for a nice drape of the cape and the hood.
I did notice a few holes in the mesh where it seemed to pull apart, but they are pretty small. Don't know what's causing that, or if it is a regular occurence, I have only experimented with the converters.
Took a while to get the cape to settle down, but here is a test on G8F with the female outfit, and G8M with the male version of the outfit.