Really really basic question

cclesuecclesue Posts: 420

Recently I had to envoke a rese to default in order to clear a problem. That worked but now the tabs on my panes appear across the top when befor they were on the right or left sides. I have tried to reposition them but to no avail. If I read the manual correctly this should be a matter of right click drag and drop but no matter how I do it they will drag and drop to the top or as separate panes but not the sides. I should note I am using Darkside.

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  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Window -> Workspace -> Orient Tabs Along Top. If it's ticked, that's what it does. Selecting it again should clear it for the side panels.

  • cclesuecclesue Posts: 420

     Thanx!! Well I knew it had to be something easy! I hate to plead "old and decrepit" but that pretty much covers my problem these days.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Well, it's somrthing you probably set once and never look at it again. Out of sight, out of mind...

  • cclesuecclesue Posts: 420

    These days it doesn't even need to be out of sight. You know kind like when you get up and go into the next room and then spend the next five minutes trying to remember why you went.


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