New morphs aren't found when saved as morph assets ?!

I am trying to ask here because I really don't know what is going on. Yesterday, making new morphs for a character in a scene subset I created with any fitted clothings or parented stuffs. The first one registered correctly, it was an FBM using countless sliders and some Zbrush work. Zeroed the figure, applied the morph, adjusted the rigging to shape and ERC freeze and saved as a morph asset; worked great. Then in the same session, proceeded to make some other corrective morphs than are situational and doesn't need the adjust rigging to shape and ERC freeze. I saved them as morph assets. It worked great in this particular scene subset during the session, But when I open up Daz again, no character can access the morph exept the first FBM I created. All .dsf morphs created that day show up in the directory > Data>DAZ 3D> ... > morph >'username'> products, but they don't show up on any characters, in any scene, even the original scene subset where the morphs were created. I always save them in morphs> morph loader
I am really puzzled as I don't think I am doing anything wrong... I wish I were tho. Do you see anything here that could cause this? I'd like the '2 cents' of the community.
Thx for reading
Baking a composite moprh to a single shape is a bad idea anyway, since it can't be shared with others and loses all links to corrective shapes. A better approach is to create a master slider and use ERC Freeze to link it to the individual morphs. Of coruse you still have to save any custom morphs and the control slider as assets so the issue remains. Can you go through the exact steps you took? Had you modified the geometry iteslf in the scene? Have you checked the log file for errors?
Hi Richard. About the composite morph, this is a good idea I didn't think about the lost of all the original JCMs and MCMs. I do that to simplify my user interface and because I've heard that the more sliders you're using, the slower Daz becomes (at least that's what I've heard). But the FBM composite morph I did actually works well, it is all the other morphs after that that I have a problem with, and those morphs are 100% Zbrush on top of my newly created FBM; "Yes" on reverse deformation while importing with morph loader pro.
I haven't checked the log file, Idk how and what to look for :/ I can if you tell me. I already went through redoing all of it 3 times, with the same results --> morphs aren't saved. I haven't tried with a new morph, only the 4 from yesterday that didn't work.
"Had you modified the geometry iteslf in the scene?" What do you exactly mean?
Okay so for one of the 4 morphs I have a problem with: It is a corrective for when she bent her waist.
My character is shaped using only the new and perfectly working FBM, I also use the posing slider "waist bend" at 85%. Export as OBJ> morph into Zbrush> morph loader pro> yes to reverse deformation. I edit the parameters for the sliders and save as a morph asset. The morph appears in the corresponding directory underData>DAZ 3D> ... > morph >'username'> products. But when I load another scene, the morph is nowhere to be found...
That's what I did for the second and third time around with this morph. At first, I did a legit JCM with the pose slider 'waist bend', but after I saw it didn't work, I kept the process simpler for the subsequent attempts, without any ERC freezes.
Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File
Nothing is leaping out as an issue from the steps you describe.
Okay here is the relevant LOG. More info in the txt file
thank you
So what does that represent? Exporting the OBJs, then loading them in as moprhs? If you load a fresh figure and check the log, are there any entries in the log related to your morphs?
Huh? As I understand it, if I load a new figure, my morphs are not gonna be in the log because the morphs arent saved as assets (I'm not able to save them, I do it but it doesn't work). Just did check the log and there is no trace of my morphs there. Or I don't get what you mean.
In the txt file of the log part I gave you, I first explain what I did and then the log is supposed to show, somehow, what I did. And yes I reexported the dialed morphs into new OBJs, then created new morphs from it and finally saved as morph assets. I think I show here the relevant part of the log, do you need more? I personally can't see in there that the morphs are saved as assets even though I did. Is it normal?
I'm gonna try to answer fast on this topic today.
Thx for your time.
I thought you sauid the .dsf files were appearing? Or did you mean listed in the log but not on disc?
comes in with all the other morphs loading into the figure? then you set each morph in turn as you go through
after which you switch to the other application and modoify the shapes of each. Then you load the morphs back in here, with the originals still set in each case, and turn on Reverse Deformations:
and the OBJ names are different from the original names of the composite morphs. Then it seems to be loading the slider card iamges. I don't see any mention of the saving as assets at all.
Yes so when you save as morph asset, normally you'd see it in the log right? I did save as morph assets right after creating the morphs. I can see them in the directory, but they do not show in the log and they are not available when I load a fresh figure.
Which directory, the whole path please.
Where is your content library, the one that has the folders \Data\, \People\ and \Runtime\ in it?
It looks like, the "Directory" where you can see your morphs, is not where the figure you use, reads the morphs that it loads.
And if they are in the right directory then I still want to see the log entries from loading a new figure.
This is where all my new morphs are saved: D:\DAZ3D\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\<cedric.bcsc>\Product
In Daz3D, I access those morphs via parameters>morphs>morph loader
The morphs of interest are right now on the figure I first applied the OBJ on via morph loader pro. And for that character, its saved. Multiple times I tried saving as morph asset and when I load a new figure, those morphs should be in morph> morph loader (same place as on the figure it was first applied to). A dsf file is created in the directory mentioned above.
Now I checked the log for when loading a normal G3F figure, there is ton of errors that I just red were benign of type <Could not find target property for formula:> Which I still find weird. When doing Ctrl+F, there is no mention of that problematic morph (Mimzy_Hanging_both34 which is the name of the morph and not the label). I had problems with my data base. I went through recovery 2 times and I recently moved all my content from my Mac to a PC. I know there is a lot of problems in there. A bunch of textures appear pink, that's another giant problem for me on its own...
Could not find target is (usually) not an issue, most likely it's just a corrective morph for a shape that is linked to a morph you don't have installed, so it isn't needed anyway.
looks as if one of the morphs is failing, that may have some kind of knock on effect I suppose.
okay so this is the line that tells there's a problem with the morph. I'll work my way around whatever why this error occurred.
Not taking more of your time on that, thanks for finding it. Log never lies.
When you open the file "Mimzy Hanging34" in Notepad++ (you may have to open it in 7zip first to decompress), what does it say on line;
"parent" : "/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Genesis3Female.dsf#Genesis3Female-1" (<=This is what it is suppossed to read)