ZBrush to DAZ not functioning with DAZ 4.12 Pro and ZBrush 2021.1.1

I've been using GOZ to move between Daz Studio and ZBrush for about 6 months. I took a break and both DAZ and ZBrush had an update. After reinstalling both I cannot move from ZBrush to DAZ. DAZ to ZBrush functions properly.
I have:
- Cleared the GOZ Cache in ZBrush, relinked the path to DAZ.
- Deleted the C:\Users\Public\Pixologic folder and reinstalled GoZ_for_ZBrush_Installer_WIN.exe from the ZBrush Troubleshoot folder and reinstall DS4_GoZ_1.9.1.118_Win64.exe then relinked the paths afterward
Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?
I haven't found a solution. My problem is that the Send to Zbrush link in Daz isn't showing under File. I ttried to reverse it and send from Zbrush 2021 to Daz after I checked my links. It didn't work. This is concerning. CC3 had a new update and I checked the GoZ link. No problems except the usual scaling issue where the tools in Zbrush are too small to work with easily. The Poser Pro GoZ works great but I really need to be in Daz. I tried the same things you did. No luck at all.
I went a little further this time and uninstalled Daz 4.12. Then I reinstalled through IM. It didn't affect my library. I opened it and saw a new link to Photoshop, then I installed GoZ again and it showed up. No problems to Z and back.
That I didn't do. Always a little nervous unistalling Daz when it works. Thanks for the info.
I know your frustration. Have you linked the programs together both ways? The only way I was able to get everything to work a few ZBrushes ago was in Daz Install Manager. When updating this time I was fully confident and had no problems at all.
~Open Daz Install Manager and in the top right corner select the tool icon and select Advanced Settings. In the pop up box select the Applications Tab, then select the box on the right of Zbrush (with the three dots, see picture) and locate the current Zbrush you are using. If you don't know how to find it, right click on the Zbrush icon in your start menu or your shortcut on your desktop and select "open file location." Then highlight the address in the window and right click copy. Now you can paste the location address in the window that pops up when you click on the box with the three dots.
Hopefully this is your main issue and you'll be back on track. (I use Windows 7 64-bit so I hope it's similar with whatever operating system you use)