Plentiful/Lone Tears

I'm trying to use this product:

I have to say, I have had zero luck with it. No model I've chosen works with it, no matter what dials I use. The tears barely come out of the lashes. They're like...specs at best and at worse, they corrupt the cheeks.

Any advice on how to get decent results?




  • Are you using the G3 or G8 version?


  • The G8 Version.

  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672
    edited September 2020

    The G8 Version.

    Select the Eyelashes and set the View & Render SubD to 4 otherwise they won't show correctly when using the sliders,  Also make sure you apply the iRay material to the eyelashes.

    Post edited by Platnumk on
  • Platnumk said:

    The G8 Version.

    Select the Eyelashes and set the View & Render SubD to 4 otherwise they won't show correctly when using the sliders,  Also make sure you apply the iRay material to the eyelashes.

    Thank you! Totally worked!!

  • Your welcome 

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